Aggressive Tampa Attorneys Defending Against All Types of Drug Crimes & Charges.
Learn How Our Legal Team Can Help With Your Charges
Florida’s location, history, and large population combine to make it one of the busiest states in the country for drug trafficking and other drug crimes. While some states may be experimenting with liberalizing marijuana laws, make no mistake; Florida’s drug laws remain some of the toughest in the country and if you are facing a drug charge in Florida, the consequences can be severe. Both Florida and federal law impose harsh penalties for even “small” narcotics convictions that can cost you your career, your freedom, and your future. You can’t afford not to obtain a skilled and tenacious criminal defense attorney if you want to emerge from your ordeal with the best possible outcome.
At the Wardell Law Firm in Tampa, we take an aggressive approach to defending against drug charges. We have a well-earned reputation as criminal defense attorneys who have the skill and willingness to take cases to trial, a reputation that serves our clients well in the courtroom and at the negotiating table in the event that a plea bargain is an advisable option. Let us start preparing your defense as soon as possible.
Florida Drug Crimes Representation
Our firm has represented individuals charged with both prescription drug abuse and crimes involving the following controlled substances:
• Marijuana
• Heroin
• PCP (angel dust)
• Ecstasy
• Crystal meth
• Cocaine
• “Spice”
• Prescription drug abuse
We have also successfully defended clients accused of every type of drug crime, including:
Possession. Simply possessing an illegal or controlled substance in most circumstances is a felony, both in state and federal court. An exception to this rule is possession of a minimal amount of marijuana, which is currently a misdemeanor.
Sales & Distribution. Unsurprisingly, the penalties for sales and distribution of a controlled substance are harsher than for possession, with the consequences depending on the kind and amount of substances at issue. Large fines and jail sentences for these felony offenses are almost always given.
Trafficking. In Florida, the minimum penalty for a drug trafficking conviction is a $25,000 fine and 3 years in prison, and the maximum fine can be anywhere up to $200,000. Florida’s notoriety as a trafficking hotbed means prosecutors will vigorously prosecute those charged with trafficking offenses.
Prescription Fraud and Forgery. Prescription drug abuse is skyrocketing and so is prescription fraud and the forging of prescriptions. One example of prescription fraud is obtaining a prescription just so that you can get the drug and sell it to someone else or “pill shopping,” going to several doctors to get a prescription for the same drug. Prescription forgery can include illegally duplicating or altering a prescription.
Federal Drug Charges Only Make Things Worse
Federal drug charges can make your nightmare even worse. Mandatory penalties under federal law can result in lengthy prison sentences for even first-time offenders. Repeat offenders can easily find themselves looking at a lifetime behind bars.
Defending Drug & Narcotics Charges in Florida
Depending on the type of charge and the amount of illegal substance involved, drug crimes can be prosecuted at both the misdemeanor and felony level. Other important factors include the type of drug, any history of prior convictions, and the location of the alleged activity.
We will challenge the charges at every step, from arrest until the conclusion of the case. In many cases, improper searches, illegal traffic stops, and officer misconduct can lead to acquittal.
Contact Us for a Free Consultation by filling out our online form below.
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The articles published on this website are solely intended for educational purposes only. These articles offer only general information on the legal areas discussed. These articles do not constitute professional legal advice.
For further advice regarding your specific case, please reach out to us via the form below for a free consultation.
Wardell Law, P.A.